Diabetes is a chronic illness that
is caused due to high or low levels of sugar in human
blood. India has reported having
over 1.2 million deaths per annum, due to diabetes, as per
the records since 2015. The medical
term for this is hyperglycemia or glycosuria. Some
cases of diabetes are caused due to
hereditary systematics, however, others are due to a
sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle.
According to research reports, almost thirty million people,
in India, are suffering from type 2
Ayurveda has proven it’s huge
benefits towards treating chronic diseases like diabetes. With the help of
medicinal plants, ayurvedic exercises, and yogas, many patients have escaped
the trap of diabetes. Ayurveda refers to diabetes as Madumeha which translates
to ‘sweet urine’ ( owing to the high levels of sugar). Allopathic medicines not
only have several side effects but sometimes are not always feasible. The
treatments are too expensive and sometimes take longer to work. Hence,
Ayurveda, with its natural ailments has come a long way and annexed the medical
therapy for diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Few common symptoms shown by
diabetes are as follows:
● Fatigue
● Hunger
● Blurred vision
● Dry mouth
● Itchy skin
● Irregular bowel pattern
● Weight loss
Few medications and herbs that
Ayurveda swears by, to help treat diabetes and regulate
blood sugar levels are as follows:
● Giloy : Giloy comes from the roots of amrita plant. This particular
root is also known as the roof of immortality. The antioxidant
properties of Giloy help greatly in
regulating blood sugar levels. It fights against
damaging free radicals. It has
immune-boosting properties as well. It also acts as an
immunomodulator that regulates the
glycemic index of the body. Moreover, the
natural anti-diabetic properties of
the plant help suppress the craving for sugar, by
releasing certain hormones. Other
than these, it also helps in keeping the digestive
system controlled.
● Tulsi: Tulsi is a vastly used herb. It is used for cooking, and herbal remedies as well.
However, it has several healing
properties too. The antioxidant properties of Tulsi
help improve pancreatic beta-cell
function. It also enhances insulin secretion and
balances the regulation of glucose
by muscle cells. The hypoglycaemic properties of
tulsi help lower blood sugar levels
prevent complications of diabetes. According to a
study conducted by Nottingham
University, people consuming tulsi had prominent
greater improvements in glucose
control, than those who were taking their regular
dosage of allopathic medicines. The
blood glucose levels also spiked significantly
after eating tulsi.
● Fenugreek: The scientific classification of fenugreek is Trigonella
foenum graecum.
They are known to be high in soluble
fiber. It helps to lower blood sugar levels by
slowing down the digestion of
carbohydrate content in the diet. The high fiber content
plays a direct role in this.
Fenugreek seeds also consist of few of the essential
vitamins, minerals, and
antioxidants. These help in protecting the body’s cells from
damage caused by free radicals (
caused due to unstable molecules). Due to it’s bitter
taste, people usually don’t like to
consume It directly. However, it can be incorporated
into the diet in the form of
smoothies, curries, shakes, etc.
● Cinnamon: Cinnamon is often seen as a mere spice, that is used to
enhance the
taste of your hot chocolate.
However, it is so much more than that. It is rich in
antioxidants and helps boost
immunity rapidly. The aqueous extracts from
cinnamon have proven to increase in
vitro glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis.
This increases the phosphorylation
of the insulin receptor, which eventually leads to
regulating the blood sugar levels.
Besides, cinnamon extracts also trigger
insulin hormones and boost
India is one of the top 10 countries
suffering from diabetes. Statistics show that 1 out of
every 6 diabetic patients in the
world is an Indian. It is high time we take an action towards
making a healthy change. Start by
investing in Ayurveda. Vitro Naturals
organically sourced natural remedial
Ayurvedic concoctions. It is a trusted brand, proudly
made in India. They have helped with
providing sustainable and trustworthy herbal
medicines. They contain no
artificial preservatives, color, or sweetness. The brand's core
value is to provide you with pure
goodness of natural ingredients! Buy your ingredients, and
say bye to diabetes now!
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